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Goshen Transfer Station Updates

A few quick updates to the community about the transfer station. Yes the KMART AKA SWAP SHOP is closed for the winter.  This decision was based on the need for space to accommodate lead acid batteries and bulbs as both need to be out of the direct weather but should not be kept with used oil.  Also people were placing items that are not accepted in the swap shop such as household hazardous waste, electronics that have a fee for disposal, clothing, and expired food items.  I am a firm believer in reuse and recycle before throwing away but the next 6 months will be spent organizing the transfer station and making sure it is up to code.  I would love to have a separate building for the swap shop and a clothing drop off and I am looking into both for the upcoming spring : ) We have closed off the area behind the sorting trays.  That means we can no longer take books as people are not able to go back to the shelves to browse.  This is based on the continuous issue with contamination of the

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What does the transfer station take????

refuse, reduce, reuse, repair, RECYCLE & rot