refuse, reduce, reuse, repair, RECYCLE & rot

As I start writing this blog the focus of my posts will be on recycling.  I think I have a great deal to share about the other R's from my own life and people I have met through my travels on the road to living a more sustainable life, but at this point I wanted to clarify some things about recycling at our town transfer station in Goshen.  After a month of working at the Goshen, NH transfer station (which I LOVE btw) I have learned many people are very willing to recycle but there are questions on the specifics of what can and can't be recycled.  I thought it may be helpful to share posts on recycling at the transfer station and the stations policies and practices.  This is my personal blog, but I promise to back every statement with facts and not opinions, and if I am sharing an opinion I will clearly state that it is my opinion and not the policy of the transfer station.  Information shared will be taken from the mouth of our Recycling Grand Poobah Kevin : ) and the NHDES.  As well as a variety of other state and federal agencies. 

It is not useful to cram a bunch of information into one blog post...I am sure we all remember trying to cram a number of facts and figures, dates and formulas during our high school years only to forget them the day after the test.  I could create a power point of every thing you ever wanted to know about the transfer station and basically just succeed in boring every single reader.  I am not one to use the word "hate" lightly...but I truly HATE power points : )

One of the most important things I want to accomplish with this blog is to involve the community in what is going on at the transfer station even if you don't regularly utilize it for trash and recycling services.  The truth is the "DUMP" is a great place to see your neighbors.  It is by far the most enjoyable working environment I have ever experienced (minus the flies lol).  I am meeting so many people and love that I am able to put a name to a face or at least at this point recognize the faces I see at the transfer station around town.  In fact today my husband and I ran into one of my Wednesday regulars hiking with his wife on the Lead Mine Trail.  It was so nice to stop and chat and introduce our spouses.  

If you have town news to share consider sending me information to post on the bulletin board at the Transfer station....there is a lot of foot traffic : )  Finally thoughts, ideas, constructive criticism is ALWAYS welcome.  I for one am VERY interested in making the Goshen Transfer station a model for other towns in Sullivan county : )

I will be adding a post each week possibly more about the different aspects on the Transfer Station and important information that could benefit all community members not just those who utilize the dump.  This weeks post coming Tuesday will focus on "Can I Recycle This?" Know When It's a No! 


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