Stop Contamination: Keep these items OUT of your recycling bins...

Good rainy evening : ) This weeks post really focuses in on what NOT to put in your recycling bins.  When it comes to recycling you really can't get angry at someone for trying to do the right thing : ) So it is important to educate people on why certain things just can't and shouldn't enter your recycling bins.

Contamination loads are being rejected at recycling processing centers and that means they are being disposed of as TRASH...exactly what each and every one of us hoped to avoid when we committed to recycling our waste.  

To make recycling easier AND to be proactive in stopping contamination of recycling containers at the transfer station it really does help to have separate recycling containers for plastic, glass, metal, aluminum cans and paper/cardboard.  I will take a plastic garbage bag with mixed items with a smile because I feel recycling is so important I will do what I can to make it easier on the people who are taking the time to do it, but if its not to much trouble I do love plastic totes I can just pour out into the designated areas lol.  Remember....I will accept what you bring to me with a smile and a thank you because recycling is just so very important and I appreciate each and every one of you who take the time to do it. 

FOOD waste is a contaminate we can easily avoid by washing out our containers before placing in our designated bins.  Truth is... it is kinda yucky to have food waste all over me when I am sorting the containers.  Food waste attracts flies and flies lay eggs and on more than one occasion I have sorted through wiggling fly grubs....icky! 

Plastic Bags of any kind are not recyclable.  Make sure any plastic bags or plastic soda can rings go into the trash and NOT the plastic recycling bin.  This includes plastic wrap, plastic film, the plastic that is often part of a box that you purchased and is attached to the cardboard.  

Styrofoam I have to admit I can't stand when something I buy comes wrapped up in Styrofoam or smothered by Styrofoam is not recyclable and Polystyrene contains Styrene and Benzene both suspected carcinogens and neurotoxins that are hazardous to humans.   When you remove an item from a box at home directly put that packaging into a trash bag to be disposed of.  It should not be left in a cardboard box to be recycled.  It always goes into the trash.

Paper towels & Napkins I love that people are that gung ho about recycling but remember they are contaminated with food waste if you used them, and no food waste into recycling containers. 

Plastic Utensils, straws or colored cups They can't be recycled : ( again food waste on them is also just not super nice for me to sort through : )

Plastic hangers, toys or certain flower pots, flower pot holders  Better to just throw into trash if small and or bulk disposal if they are larger.  If they don't have a recycling number on them don't try to recycle.

Remember metal items are ALWAYS free to dispose of in the Metal Only container.  It actually makes the town money too so make sure to throw out your metal or aluminum in the right containers.  

I hope this post is helpful.  Please feel free to comment or question anything here and or just share your input and thoughts about recycling : )


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